PC StarBI: the new Meler pattern controller with a touchscreen

首页    PC StarBI: the new Meler pattern controller with a touchscreen

This controller has been designed to program the different adhesive application needs required in the packaging industry, wood lamination, book binding, etc.

The PC StarBI makes this easy because it is a tactile trigger programmer for hot melt and cold glue applications with variable speed and timing.

Its 7” touchscreen lets you browse simply, and quickly and easily program using its intuitive user interface. The screen shows all the necessary information for browsing through its menu and configuring the unit depending on the needs of each user.

Thanks to its large memory and advanced programming it can memorise up to 100 products. This gives it greater flexibility in preparing the different solutions that may be needed.

It has multiple outputs so it can be easily integrated into the system: USB port to update the software and make backup copies, and Modbus and Profibus communications for controlling the product that will be produced.

The PC StarBI comes in three versions depending on the number of programming channels: 2, 4 or 6. Moreover, this pattern controller can configure the product by times or by distances, and define if it is variable or repetitive, thus offering multiple configurations to adapt to the customer’s needs. The connectors are highly safe quick DIN connectors.

The PC StarBI is a small and compact controller that can be easily integrated wherever it is needed. And it opens easily to allow quick access to its interior.

With this controller, Focke Meler is venturing into Industry 4.0, promoting intercommunication between systems.

It is available in 6 languages: English, Spanish, German, Italian, French and Portuguese.

To learn more about our products, visit our website where you will find our technical data sheets.


PC Star BI  使此操作变得容易,因为它是用于可变速度和定时的热熔和冷胶应用的  触觉触发编程器。

它的  7英寸触摸屏使您  可以使用其直观的用户界面简单,快速,轻松地浏览程序。屏幕上显示了所有必要的信息,以便浏览菜单并根据每个用户的需求配置设备。

凭借其大容量存储器和高级编程功能,它最多可以  存储100种产品。 这使它在准备可能需要的不同解决方案时具有更大的灵活性。

它具有  多个输出,因此可以轻松地集成到系统中:  USB端口用于更新软件并制作备份副本,以及用于控制将要生产的产品的Modbus和Profibus通信。

PC Star BI  有  三种版本,具体取决于编程通道的数量:  2,4或6。此外,该模式控制器可以按时间或距离配置产品,并定义其是可变的还是重复的,从而提供多种配置适应客户的需求。 连接器是高度安全的快速DIN连接。

PC Star BI  是一款  小型紧凑型  控制器,可以在任何需要的地方轻松集成。它易于打开,可以快速进入其内部。

借助此控制器,Focke Meler进入了  工业4.0,  促进了系统之间的互通。

它有6种语言可用    英语,西班牙语,德语,意大利语,法语和葡萄牙语。

要了解有关我们产品的更多信息,  请访问我们的网站  ,您可以在其中找到我们的技术数据表。

2019年5月16日 16:58